Koinonia May- Jun 2024 | Celebrating Mother's Day: Honoring Our Beloved Mothers and Reflecting on Their Enduring Impact

Koinonia May- Jun 2024 | Celebrating Mother's Day: Honoring Our Beloved Mothers and Reflecting on Their Enduring Impact

May 1, 2024

Dearly beloved in Christ,

The second Sunday of May is considered Mother's Day in most parts of the world. It is a meaningful time to honor and express gratitude to our beloved mothers, who have shaped our lives.

Mother's Day has a rich history dating back to ancient times when people celebrated maternal figures and motherhood in various ways. However, the modern observance of Mother's Day can be traced back to the 19th century in the United States. One of the early advocates for an official Mother's Day celebration in the U.S. was Julia Ward Howe, who wrote the "Mother's Day Proclamation," which called for mothers to come together in promoting peace and social justice.

The idea of a Mother's Day as we know it today gained momentum during the time of Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her own mother, Ann Jarvis, a peace activist who had cared for wounded soldiers during the Civil War. After her mother's death in 1905, Anna campaigned tirelessly for a national day to honor mothers. Anna Jarvis's efforts paid off, and in 1914, American President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation officially establishing the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. The day quickly became popular, with people across the country celebrating by giving cards, flowers, and gifts to their mothers.

However, Anna Jarvis became disillusioned with the commercialization of Mother's Day, as she had intended it to be a day of sincere gratitude and reflection. She spent the later years of her life campaigning against the commercialization of the holiday, even going as far as to file lawsuits against companies that used the Mother's Day name for profit. Today, it is celebrated in various forms and on different dates, but the sentiment of honoring and appreciating mothers remains at its core.

Every Mother's Day serves as a reminder of neglected motherhood, raising doubts about whether this day has become a mere reminder of lost relationships. However, care and love for a mother should not be reserved for occasional remembrance. Reflecting on the journey shared by Jesus and his mother is poignant at this time. From the moment Mary gracefully received the angel's son (Luke 1:31, 37), they journeyed together, sharing in the needs of others (John 2:1-11) and accompanying Jesus through his public ministry and ultimately to the cross (John 19:25). The final scenes on the cross epitomize longing, love, and care. Even amidst immense pain, Jesus never forgets his duty to care for his mother (John 19:26, 27). On Mother's Day, the Lord reminds us that a mother's significance should not fade even during our most trying times. It is crucial to acknowledge and remember, on Mother's Day, the example set by our Lord, preserving its essence without compromise.

On this upcoming Mother's Day, let us reflect on the profound impact mothers have on shaping the lives of their children. As expressed in the passage from Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5), a mother's faith is a powerful force that can guide and nurture the spiritual development of her children. Just as Timothy's grandmother Lois and mother Eunice instilled in him a sincere faith, so too do mothers today have the opportunity to pass down their spiritual values to the next generation.

However, we must also recognize the responsibility that comes with motherhood. As illustrated by the example of Ahaziah and his mother's wicked counsel (2 Kings 11:1-20), the influence of a mother can lead a child astray if not grounded in righteousness. Therefore, it is essential for mothers to seek divine guidance and wisdom in raising their children, praying earnestly for their well-being and spiritual growth.

As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us honor and cherish the immeasurable contributions of mothers everywhere. Their love, sacrifice, and unwavering faith are truly priceless treasures that shape the course of our lives. May we all be inspired by their example and strive to emulate their virtues in our own lives.

To all the mothers out there, may you be blessed abundantly on this special day, and may your love and dedication continue to be a guiding light for your children and all those whose lives you touch. Happy Mother's Day.

After three years of blessed ministry, Reverend Renju Thomas Raju Achen is being transferred to Erode. We thank God for Achen's impactful ministry and convey all the wishes and prayers of the parishioners. We sincerely pray that God will continue to honor Achen's ministry in his new assignment. We are pleased to announce that Reverend Noble Abraham will assume the role of the new Assistant Vicar, starting from the 1st of May. Achen, who is a member of Vishranthwadi Mar Thoma Parish, Pune, has served faithfully and effectively in various capacities within the church. Let us earnestly pray that Achen's work will be a continued blessing to our parish. Achen, you are warmly welcomed to our parish, and we look forward to your guidance and leadership in the days ahead.

With Prayerful regards,

Rev. Vinoy Daniel Vicar

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