Koinonia Sept - Oct 2023 | Radiant Mission: A Century of Evangelism and Spiritual Renewal in the Mar Thoma Church

Koinonia Sept - Oct 2023 | Radiant Mission: A Century of Evangelism and Spiritual Renewal in the Mar Thoma Church

2023, ഒക്ടോ 1

The year at hand holds immense significance for our church, as it marks the centenary celebration of The Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists' Association. This milestone stands as a testament to the spiritual rejuvenation within the church, stemming from the seeds of reformation. This renewal has ignited a fervent desire among believers to extend the Gospel's reach. It became evident that this mission couldn't be solely entrusted to a handful of full-time evangelists. Instead, the aspiration emerged for every member of the Church to embody a missionary spirit, exuding the joy and certainty of salvation, thereby becoming living witnesses of Christ to all they encounter—irrespective of their secular vocations. This approach avails these individuals the chance to interact with others within the context of everyday life, presenting the Gospel in an organic and relatable manner.

Enthusiasts inclined towards evangelistic and intercessory endeavors convened at intervals for prayer and fellowship. It was during one such gathering in 1924 that The Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists' Association was officially established. The Most Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Thoma Metropolitan ardently championed this movement, and Titus II Mar Thoma Metropolitan issued a circular to all parishes, encouraging the formation of association branches. At its inception, Rev. C. P. Philipose Kassissa assumed the role of the first president, with Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadesi as secretary and Kolakottu John Upadesi as the travelling secretary.

Rooted in the ethos of "Every Marthomite is an Evangelist," a concept embraced by the esteemed Abraham Mar Thoma Metropolitan, this organization has evolved into a prominent vehicle for Gospel propagation within the church. This philosophy invites each individual to be a witness of Christ within their respective life domains, embracing this divine calling of the organization.

The ethos of being "the light of the world" and "the salt of the earth" is deeply embedded in this organization, reflecting its responsibility to radiate the love of God. Recognizing that each creation, including humanity, serves a purpose in God's divine plan, this association acknowledges the paramount responsibility of responding to this divine call. At its helm during its early days was Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadesi, the inaugural General Secretary, whose leadership illuminated the path forward. This organization shines as a guiding light, penetrating even the darkest corners where affliction resides, and boldly entering spaces others might shun. The luminous journey undertaken by those driven by Christ's love shapes the radiant light that dwells within us.

The association's core mission lies in empowering every church member to stand as a witness for Jesus Christ, regardless of their vocation. Volunteers gather in parish settings at least weekly for fellowship, intercessory prayer, Bible study, and experience sharing. Subsequently, they engage with colleagues and share the Gospel message. Moreover, they actively participate in various parish services, including Sunday school, youth fellowships, and cottage prayer meetings. Their outreach extends to visiting the infirm and needy, providing both spiritual companionship and material support. Working to mend estranged relationships and seizing opportunities to convey the Gospel to non-Christian acquaintances are additional facets of their efforts.

As we celebrate the centenary of this great mission, it's a good time for us to take a fresh look at who we are and what we're meant to do. The passage from 1 Peter 2:9-10 is really important here. It goes like this: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." These verses carry a deep message that sheds light on what it means to be a follower of Christ. It uses strong images to show the heart of the Christian community and how it connects with God.

This passage says 'us' as a "chosen people," picked by God, a "royal priesthood," like priests who talk to God directly, a "holy nation," set apart for God's purposes, and a treasured possession of God. These descriptions help us see who we really are, according to God's plan. But this isn't just about our identity; it's also about our vocation. Our vocation is to "declare the praises" of God. This means we're like witnesses, telling others about the amazing things God has done in our lives. It's like shining a light on how God rescued us from darkness and brought us into His wonderful light. This light represents the big change that happens when we choose to follow Jesus. In simple terms, 1 Peter 2:9-10 tells us important things about who we are, why we're here, and what we're supposed to do. It's like a guidebook for living out our faith. By understanding it deeply and putting it into action, we're not only honouring God but also making a positive impact on the world around us.

As we celebrate the centenary of the remarkable work that God has accomplished through the ages, guided by the hands of our fathers and mothers, let us wholeheartedly devote ourselves to being witnesses of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, within the specific places where we have been placed.

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